陈树坤,英语副教授,中山大学博士。主要研究方向为功能语言学、英汉对比与翻译、多模态语篇分析、文献综合分析。近年来,在《外语研究》《外语与外语教学》《西安外国语大学学报》《Babel》《Word》《Chinese Semiotic Studies》《Frontiers in Psychology》等权威及核心专业期刊发表学术论文20余篇,出版专著1部,主持教育部人文社科规划项目1项以及省级课题1项,参与国家哲学社会科学基金项目2项。获得永利集团88304官网在线登录第二届与第七届青年教师课堂教学竞赛二等奖、第二届“外教社杯”全国大学英语教学大赛二等奖。2017-2018年被评为永利集团88304官网在线登录“优秀教师”。主要讲授《跨文化(商务)交际》《学术英语写作》《金融笔译》等课程。
Dr Shukun CHEN is an associate professor in School of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Guangdong University of Finance. His research interests include systemic functional linguistics with a particular focus on projection, second language writing, translation and discourse analysis. His works appeared inBabel,WORD,Frontiers in Psychology,SAGE Open,Functional Linguistics,Linguistics and Human Sciences,Chinese Semiotic Studies,Ampersand,Journal of World Languages, etc. He is now heading a project on “embedded projection”, sponsored by the ministry of education in China.
Chen, S., A. Mo, & S. Yang. (Forthcoming) ‘We should have a deep understanding’: Reinstantiating cognitive processes in the translation of Chinese political discourse. Perspectives.
Lin, J., & Chen, S. (2023). From designing for needs to meaning: Towards a social semiotic model of innovation in entrepreneurship education. Industry and Higher Education. https://doi.org/10.1177/09504222221150882
Chen, S. and Zhong, Z.(2022). Perceiving the poetic world: A corpus-assisted transitivity analysis of poetry comics. Frontiers in Psychology,13:1061169. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1061169.
Chen, S., Xuan, W. & Yu, H.(2022). Applying systemic functional linguistics in translation studies: A research synthesis. Babel.
Chen, S., Xuan, W.& Yu, W. (2022).Beyond Reporting Verbs: Exploring Chinese EFL Learners’ Deployment of Projection in Summary Writing. Sage Open, 1–12.
Zhong, Z., Chen, S. & Xuan, W.(2021). Recontextualizing Literary Classics with Modernity – A Social Semiotic Analysis of Comic Adaptation of Journey to the West. SAGE Open, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440211019730
Zhong, Z., Chen, S. & Xuan, W. (2021). A systemic functional semiotic investigation of illustrations in Chinese poem books: An ontogenetic perspective. Language and Semiotic Studies, 7(4), 48-65.
陈树坤. 投射角度环境成分英汉对比分析-系统功能类型学视角. 西安外国语大学学报, 2021(03).
Xuan, W. & Chen, S. (2020). Taking stock of accumulated knowledge in projection studies from Systemic Functional Linguistics: a research synthesis, Functional Linguistics 7:1.
Xuan, W. & Chen, S. (2019). A synthesis of research on grammatical metaphor: meta-data and content analysis, WORD, 65:4, 213-233
Chen, S. & Lin, J. (2018). Brand Personification as Bonding: A sociosemiotic analysis of three packaging cases. Chinese Semiotic Studies, 14(1), pp. 13-39. Retrieved 19 Sep. 2018, from doi:10.1515/css-2018-0002
Chen, S. (2017). Motivations for positional variant of reporting clause in English and Chinese: A systemic-functional comparison based on online news corpus. Linguistics & Human Sciences, 13 (1-2).
Chen, S. (2017). From explicit to implicit orientation: mapping rank scale to modality in English and Chinese. Functional Linguistics, 4(1), 15.
李运富(黄中习,陈树坤 译).历史悠久,内涵丰富:中国汉字魅力无限.孔学堂,2017,4(04):64-68+78-85.
Chen, S. (2016). Circumstantiation of projection: Functional syntax of Angle in English and Chinese. Ampersand, 3, 71-82.
Chen, S. (2016). Textualization of “say”: a functional analysis of shuō-connectives in Chinese. Journal of World Languages, 3(2), 99-116.
Chen, S. (2016). Book Review: (In)appropriate online behavior: A pragmatic analysis of message board relations, Language in Society(45).
Chen, S. (2016). Book Review: Personalisation in Mass Media Communication. British Online News between Public and Private, Pragmatics and Society.
2017-2023国家哲学社会科学规划项目:近代英文期刊对中国经典的译介与传播研究(1800-1949)(17BYY053) 第二参与人 (已结项)
2022年教育部人文项目:英汉“嵌入投射”功能类型对比研究(22YJA740004) 主持人 (在研)
2016-2021国家社会科学一般项目:民族志翻译视角下的壮族创世史诗《布洛陀》英译研究(16BYY036) 第二参与人 (已结项)
2016年度广东省哲学社会科学“十三五”规划学科共建项目: 系统功能类型学视角下英汉投射环境化现象研究(GD16XWW05)主持人 (已结项)
永利集团88304官网在线登录校级项目“联接系统中的隐性投射现象研究(15XH03-08)” 主持人 (已结项)
永利集团88304官网在线登录校级项目“编辑书评与读者书评评价特征对比研究(13XJ04-02)”主持人 (已结项)
陈树坤 英汉投射语言对比研究:系统功能类型学视角[M],重庆大学出版社,2020.6.
2022年 第十三届“外教社杯”全国高校外语教学大赛(大学英语组)中荣获广东赛区综合课组团队三等奖 第三参与者
2019年 永利集团88304官网在线登录第四届教学成果奖二等奖 “以应用型人才培养为目标的大学英语混合式教学改革探索与实践” 第四参与者
2018年 永利集团88304官网在线登录第七届青年教师教学竞赛二等奖
2017-2018年 永利集团88304官网在线登录“优秀教师”
2011年 第二届“外教社杯”全国大学英语教学大赛广东省赛区二等奖
2008年 永利集团88304官网在线登录第二届青年教师课堂教学竞赛二等奖